Have You Mastered the 3 Rules Of the Talk:Listen Ratio?

“This salesperson is too chatty.”

“This salesperson is too quiet.”

“This salesperson is just right.”

The world of sales sometimes feels like a fairy tale, complete with both beautiful princesses and horrific ogres.

And salespeople? Well, we are the heroes …or the talking donkey.

It all depends on your communication skills.

Finding the talk:listen sweet spot is more art than science, but there are a few rules of thumb that will help you sell happily ever after.

Three Golden Rules of the Talk:Listen Ratio

1. The 2:1 Rule 

This is a simple concept that delivers incredible results, but it takes intentionality and practice to truly master. The 2:1 Rule suggests we are most effective when we ask two questions for every one value point we share.

When using the 2:1 Rule, questions elicit a healthier, two-way conversation that serves as much more of a dialogue than a monologue. We learn more about the customer and we share only what really matters to them.

2. The Story Arc Rule

Think of your sales conversation as a story arc.

With this approach, we talk the least at the beginning of the conversation (because our strategy is question-based), the most in the middle (when we are demonstrating value), and less again at the end (when we are in the closing process).

A famous maxim says that “he who tells the best story, wins.”

Think of yourself as a master storyteller: everyone, including your customers, responds positively to a story with a great arc.

3. The Traffic Light Rule

Generally, you can assume you have a customer’s attention for no more than 30 seconds without any input from them. This is when your light is completely “green”.

From 30 to 60 seconds, you are in the “yellow” light zone; maybe they are listening, maybe they aren’t.

Talk 60 seconds or longer without interaction, and you are in the “red” light zone; you’ve lost them.

Too many salespeople keeeeeep talking, convinced they are sharing valuable information when their customer has already checked out.

The Power of Intentionality

Mastering the talk:listen ratio is not as easy as choosing porridge, a chair, or a bed that is just right, but it is entirely do-able!

The key to hitting the talk:listen sweet spot has everything to do with focused awareness.

When you are keenly tuned into your customer, you will learn how to best talk with and listen to them. You see, the talk:listen rules are not a formula, they are a recipe for customization!

Get intentional about your approach with each customer and you will find the perfect talk:listen ratio that makes your customer believe that you are “just right.”

And that’s when you get the opportunity to be the hero and change someone’s world!

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.