Why Curiosity is Great for Your Business

I admit it – I am a lousy networker.

I’m introverted by nature. I find it difficult to pick up the phone and randomly call someone for no purpose other than building a relationship.

Likewise, at conferences and events I’m hesitant to walk up to people and strike up a conversation. It’s just the way I’m wired.

Don’t get me wrong. I admire people who are good at talking with anyone, anytime. I even aspire to become more like that someday. But, most of the time, I cave in to my desire for comfort.

But, here’s an interesting paradox: I am naturally a very curious person.

I particularly enjoy learning from people who are smarter than I am (and trust me, that’s a big focus group!)

Okay, so I’m lousy at networking and I am a curious person. The a-ha moment came when I realized that the latter could help me with the former.

You see, networking is not about seeing what you can get from someone. Too many people approach networking situations by asking themselves “What does this person have to offer me?”

Effective networking isn’t about the new deal, or the support, or the promotion. It’s about tapping into the other person as a person. It’s not about your agenda, it’s about building rapport.

If you are like me, you really want to make the most of your networking opportunities. So I’d suggest, the next time you meet someone new, focus on being insanely curious.

  • Ask them questions about their life…
  • Ask them how they ended up their field of business…
  • Ask them about the nuances of their business…
  • Be curious! Make it your goal to learn something!

At my upcoming Sales Leadership Summit, Execute 2016, you’ll get to network with some of the smartest sales leaders in business today. Let me encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and be curious – to widen your horizon.

You may not “get a deal.” But you’ll probably gain insight that will contribute to your personal and professional growth.

Leverage your curiosity. Overcome your discomfort. And everybody wins.

For more information about my Sales Leadership Summit click on the picture below:

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.