Why Are Great Salespeople So Driven to Win?

I get asked from time to time, “What makes a great salesperson?” I always go to the same list of attributes. But the top two are what I call the secret sauce of great salespeople:

  1. Achievement Drive: Great salespeople just have to win; they have a strong influence on others.
  2. Positive Energy: Great salespeople have contagious enthusiasm; they are deeply likable.

When you put those two together, watch out world!

I meet with thousands of salespeople every year. That means I meet a lot of very nice and remarkably likable people.

Half the equation is in place. Check.

Unfortunately, many of these extremely nice salespeople display a curious disconnect when it comes to achievement drive. As it turns out, in most cases, these people are simply afraid of being seen as pushy or sleazy or manipulative – attributes they (justifiably) despise. Unfortunately this fear also keeps these nice salespeople from becoming great salespeople.

The problem lies in the perception that likability and drive are mutually exclusive, which they’re not. On the contrary, great salespeople with likability AND strong positive energy are in a far better position influence a purchase decision.

Follow this progression with me.

  • Positive energy leads to likability.
  • Likability leads to trust.
  • Trust leads to influence.

Nordstrom has this down. Their great salespeople are helpful, personable and positive. We like them… so we tend to trust their opinions.

When great salespeople at Nordstrom say to me, “Jeff, this is your call of course. But I think the blue shirt fits you perfectly and matches the jacket really well. What do you think?” – I’m all-in!

If I really like you and really trust that you have my best interest in mind, I’m perfectly fine with you saying something like, “Jeff, I will not steer you wrong. This is the right _____ for you and I think you should buy it. Would you agree?”

That close is firm, strong, and to the point. Is it appropriate? You bet it is.

So are you likable?

Now go out, put your achievement drive into practice and be an influencer!

Go out and change someone’s world.

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.