3 Ways to Turn Your Prospects Into Advocates

The prospect in front of you is ready, willing and able to purchase. But, oftentimes, there is one or more purchase decision-makers lurking in the background, waiting to scuttle the deal.

How do you influence that “absentee” prospect (and they definitely ARE a prospect) when you may never get a chance to talk to them?

Answer: you don’t. You hardly ever get to speak with these people. And, so you need adopt a different strategy. Your objective now becomes turning your active prospect into an advocate.

That’s right – you must prepare your prospect to advocate for the sale to their massively influential absentee decision-maker.

I once bought a car while my wife was overseas on an extended field trip with my daughter. Buying a car without your significant other may be no big deal to you, but it is definitely outside the norm for our relationship.

That car dealer gave me three value points to advocate with my wife, who was due back in a couple of days.

  1. “Take the car and let your wife know that you can return it within 24 hours of her return and get your money back. That way you stay out of trouble for having made a firm decision without her.”
  2. “Tell her that you are buying one of the most reliable cars on the road for twenty years running. Your old car is getting older, and this will save you a fortune in repair costs over time.” (Important, because we were already spending a lot of money in maintenance.)
  3. “Remind her that this smaller sports car will be perfect for the weekend getaways she loves so much.”

That salesperson turned me into an advocate for the sale. Why can’t you do the same thing?

Try this approach: “I want to help everyone involved in this decision to make the best possible choice. So let me share three things that you can take back and share with _________.”

Then pass along the three value points that you believe are the strongest arguments that advocate in favor of the sale.

It worked on me. It can work for you!

So, next time you run into an absentee power-broker…

  1. Write out your three value points.
  2. Practice sharing them – several times.
  3. Then share them with your prospect and send them on their way.

After that, just sit back and let it go – knowing you’ve done your best.

And THAT may change YOUR world!

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.