5 Sales Mindsets to Ditch in 2018

In my last post I wrote about five sales mindsets that would be powerful to develop in 2018. But with the good comes the bad. If we are to develop strong mental habits, we must simultaneously ditch the negative mindsets that hold us back. Here are 5 negative mindsets that you should ditch:

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The Top 3 Moments You Need to Influence the Sale

Not all moments in the selling process are created equal. Some moments are more critical than others if we are going to effectively persuade our prospective buyers. Amy O’Connor shares three key moments that we must get right. Get these moments right and watch the sales coming steaming in.

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5 Sales Mindsets You Should Develop in 2018

It’s still early in the year, and you still have a (mostly) clean whiteboard on which to dream and plan. What do you want to write on that board? I can think of nothing more important to write than your own positive mental habits. That’s right, habits – something you do over and over until it is second nature to you. Here are five mindsets to pursue:

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3 Goals in 5 Minutes, Can You Do It?

Ever heard the phrases ‘start strong, finish strong’ or ‘start where you want to end up’? Far too often sales people become overwhelmed with perfecting every second of their sales presentation. Amy O’Connor’s advice? Practice, prepare and perfect the first five minutes of your sales presentation before mastering anything else.

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Webinar Replay: How You Can Stand Out From the Competition

Why are people paying a lot more to see Hamilton vs. community theater? Why do people pay to go to Disneyland and The Four Seasons when they could play in their backyard or go to a Motel 6? It’s simple, people pay for great experiences. In my recent webinar I addressed how to provide your customer’s with great experiences using prospective psychology.

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What Your Sales Should and Should Not Be

Sales is not about manipulating your customer. Sales is about partnering with your customer. Sales is not about dazzling with data. Sales is about making it easy for your customer to buy. Sales is not a battle, or a cage match, or about facing off with an enemy. Sales is about mutual respect and mutual purpose.

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How You Can Build Your Confidence, Part 2

In my last blog post I wrote about the single most under appreciated skill set of a great sales professional: confidence. I suggested that confidence is the intersection of two critical components: belief and mastery. In the previous post I wrote about belief; in this post I want to tackle the subject of mastery.

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How Do You Deal With an Entitled Customer?

Entitled buyers get a bad rap. We label them as “difficult,” “rude,” or “mean” when really they are often just fighting for the basic entitlements that all buyers deserve. All buyers are entitled to our respect and our professionalism, as Amy O’Connor shares in her story of when she was an entitled buyer.

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