5 Signs Your New Sales Manager is Undertrained

We tend to take high producing salespeople, promote them to sales managers and give them little to no training or support. And the repercussions are oftentimes costly. Amy O’Connor shares with us the main issues that occur with under trained sales managers.

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3 Priorities for Your Brand New Sales Managers

Like most people, I was thrown into the sales management fire. I was a success in sales and someone saw leadership potential. Next thing I knew I was sitting there with new business cards that said “Sales Manager.” (Training complete.) Sound like your journey? It is a very common path. Here is a list of 3 priorities for undertrained sales managers.

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10 Signs You Might Be Selling From Weakness

Even in a good market there are ways you can lose a sale. Ryan Taft sees it all the time. A common “sale-buster” is selling from a position of weakness. Even if you have the greatest product in the world, customers will turn and run if you portray weakness.

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3 Ways to Engage Your Customer Emotionally

The Problem: sales demonstrations based on facts and features. The Conflict: customer’s make purchase decisions based on emotions. In fact, take emotion away and a customer literally cannot make a decision. Here are three ways you can engage your customers emotionally.

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Don’t Ever Change Your Sales Path for 1% of Your Customers

You are a professional. Therefore, Amy O’Connor is certain you have a process – a sales path that you follow with your customers. Kudos to you. Of course are consistently looking for ways to improve your technique. There is one place she would tell you not to look for sales advice: the 1%.

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5 Ways to Win Over Your Mean, Nasty & Crazy Customers

As Ryan Taft works with sales pros across the country, he hears horror stories of nasty and contentious customers that even the best of the best would want to avoid. But, nasty people are a huge opportunity for you to close more sales. Most people have zero desire to work with someone who is “difficult.” They are virtually an untapped market.

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