5 Sales Mindsets You Should Develop in 2018

I love the start of the new year. I love the newness, the freshness, the do-over. The new year represents new opportunities.

It’s still early in the year, and you still have a (mostly) clean whiteboard on which to dream and plan. What do you want to write on that board?

I can think of nothing more important to write than your own positive mental habits. That’s right, habits – something you do over and over until it is second nature to you.

Here are five mindsets to pursue:

1. The Mental Habit of Positivity

You are what you constantly think about, so feed the positive – early and often. Don’t start your day with the news – it’s negative. Stop hanging around negative people. Feed your brain positivity. Adopt it. Own it. Live it.

2. The Mental Habit of Optimism

You can choose optimism. Let others mock, but the fact is that we want to hang around optimistic people. That’s true for your friends and family, for your coworkers, and mostly for your customers. Look for the best in the year to come. Believe in your own future success.

3. The Mental Habit of Abundance

Do you have a limited mindset or an abundance mindset? A limited mindset says, “This is all there is, so in order for me to win someone else needs to lose.” An abundance mindset says, “We can all be successful, we can all be winners, there is plenty for all.” The abundance mindset speaks of cooperation, of growth, and of unlimited potential.

4. The Mental Habit of Resilience

You’re in sales, so you are going to get knocked down. It’s not a matter of whether you are going to take a hit – you will. The question is how you will respond when you get hit. Winners get off the mat…immediately. Top performers decide in advance that when they face a setback they will respond with enthusiasm.

5. The Mental Habit of Gratitude

Do you want to increase your hapiness? Who doesn’t, right? It’s a matter of neuroscience. Gratitude releases dopamine in the brain, and dopamine makes us feel better. Establishing a mindset of gratitude is one of the strongest mental disciplines you can ever develop.

Please – I BEG YOU – don’t sleepwalk through 2018. Be intentional. Grow your mindset. Change the world.

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.