The Importance of Customer Perception in New Home Sales

Your Customer Perception

Why Customer Perception Matters in New Home Sales

Picture this: a world where buyers enter your sales office with dreams of their perfect sanctuary, seeking not just four walls and a roof, but a place to call their own. In this new world of possibilities, your customer’s perception reigns supreme, holding the keys to your sales success. But why is customer perception so essential for sales success?

Customer Perception is how buyers perceive, interpret, and connect with a company, product, or service. Customer perception is shaped by the individual’s personal experiences, beliefs, and interactions. Understanding and managing customer perception is crucial because it allows you to engage and win over your customers. It’s about capturing their attention, resonating with them, and creating positive associations with your business. 

By shaping their perception, you can establish trust, build loyalty, and drive more sales.

So that’s your assignment: brainstorm ways that you can shape your buyer’s perception of your community. Spend the next few minutes learning the secrets of building trust, influencing buyer decisions, and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of your customers.


Building Trust and Credibility in the New Home Market:

When customers consider your company and the brand it has created, how do they perceive it? Obviously, we want to be seen as dependable, trustworthy, and capable of delivering on the promise of dream homes. 

When potential buyers trust you, they will choose you as their preferred builder, resulting in increased sales opportunities and improved conversion rates. 

However, negative customer perceptions can erode trust, making it difficult to attract new buyers or retain existing ones. By prioritizing trust and credibility, you pave the way for long-term success in the dynamic world of new home sales.


Influencing Homebuyers’ Decisions:

Fair or not, how a customer perceives the builder will directly impact how they see the home that is built for them. If they trust the builder, they’re more likely to trust that their home was built well. If they don’t trust the builder, they’re going to find more problems with the build. Objectivity doesn’t come into play nearly as much as we might like. 

Positive perceptions can strongly influence buyers to choose your properties over your competitors. 

Conversely, negative perceptions can deter potential buyers, prompting them to explore alternative options. 

Recognizing and effectively managing consumer perception enables you to shape your brand image in a way that resonates with your target audience, ultimately influencing their buying decisions in your favor.


Fostering Customer Loyalty and Referrals:

When buyers have a positive perception of your brand, something magical happens. They not only become repeat customers, but they also can’t help but share their experiences with friends, family, and colleagues. Imagine the ripple effect of their recommendations, multiplying your sales efforts and expanding your customer base.

According to a survey conducted by Zendesk, 87% of customers share positive experiences with others, while 95% share negative experiences with others. This statistic highlights the significant impact of customer perceived value on word-of-mouth marketing and the potential ripple effect that positive or negative perceptions can have on a business.

Positive perceptions create more than just satisfied buyers; they foster a deep sense of loyalty and emotional connection to your brand. These loyal customers not only continue to choose your properties, but they become passionate advocates, spreading the word about the exceptional experiences they’ve had. It’s like having a team of ambassadors who amplify your sales efforts and open doors to new opportunities.

On the flip side, negative customer perceptions can be detrimental. They can lead to missed repeat business and squandered referral opportunities. That’s why understanding and actively managing consumer perception is vital. By delivering outstanding customer experiences, addressing concerns promptly, and consistently exceeding expectations, you can continue to build your customer’s positive perception of your brand.

Picture a world where your customers keep returning for more and bringing others along with them for the journey. That’s the power of customer perception in fostering loyalty and generating invaluable referrals.


Setting Yourself Apart from Competitors:

In a sea of similar options, how buyers perceive a builder’s reputation, quality, and customer experience becomes the ultimate differentiating factor. To gain a competitive edge, it is crucial to cultivate a positive and distinctive perception that sets you apart from the rest. 

This means going above and beyond to provide exceptional customer service, delivering homes of unparalleled quality, and crafting a brand identity that resonates with your target market. By doing so, you create a powerful allure that captures the attention of potential buyers amidst a crowded marketplace. 

If you’re seeking inspiration to create memorable customer experiences and shape a positive perception of your company, look no further than From Contract to Close. This book takes you on a captivating journey, comparing the experiences of two homebuyers with different builders. Discover the secrets behind one builder’s success in delivering a referral-generating experience, while the other struggles with complications and discontent.

As your positive perception takes hold, you’ll witness the transformative impact of attracting more buyers and experiencing exponential sales growth. Embrace the opportunity to craft a unique and remarkable brand image and watch your business ascend to the summit of success, leaving competitors in your wake. 


Strategies to Manage and Improve Customer Perception:

To achieve excellence in managing and improving customer perception in new home sales, employ these proven strategies.

Deep Understanding of Your Target Market: 

Conduct comprehensive market research to gain profound insights into the needs, preferences, and perceptions of your target market. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your offerings and messaging to the expectations of your target market.

Unwavering Commitment to Exceptional Customer Experience:

Set the bar high by consistently delivering an exceptional customer experience at every touchpoint along the homebuying journey. Pay meticulous attention to details, offer personalized service, and go above and beyond to exceed buyer expectations. Each interaction is an opportunity to leave a lasting positive impression.

Cultivate Meaningful Relationships:

Nurture genuine relationships with your buyers through open and transparent communication. Listen attentively to their needs and concerns, promptly address any issues, and maintain regular follow-ups to demonstrate your unwavering commitment to their satisfaction. Building trust and rapport is paramount.

Harness the Power of Testimonials and Reviews:

Encourage delighted buyers to share their positive experiences through testimonials and online reviews. These powerful endorsements act as a beacon, guiding potential buyers and influencing their perceptions. Leverage the authentic voices of satisfied customers to bolster your reputation and instill confidence.

Showcase Your Expertise and Thought Leadership:

Position yourself as an industry expert by sharing valuable content, hosting educational events, and participating in relevant community initiatives. By establishing yourself as a trusted authority, you build confidence in your knowledge and capabilities with your customer.


By actively managing customer perceptions, understanding their needs, and delivering exceptional experiences, you can build trust, influence buying decisions, foster loyalty, and differentiate your brand. Remember, in new home sales, perception is the key to success.

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About the Author: Nolan Silvius