Every salesperson faces sales objections, it’s just a fact of our career. Every sale hits pauses, waffling, hesitation… and if you’re good at what we do, you prepare for those sales objections.

However, great salespeople do something different—they EMBRACE sales objections. Because a customer who brings you a sales objection is saying something very powerful: they’re asking for your help with buying!

In my brand new online training course Overcoming Objections I’m going to teach you exactly how to think about sales objections, how to overcome them, and how to use each of them to your advantage to close sales you thought you’d never get.

“An objection is not a rejection; it is simply a request for more information”


Jeff’s New Nine-Lesson Course
Has 3 Central Focuses

How to Think About Sales Objections

Objections help us identify the buying path. Success begins with a mindset that EMBRACES sales objections

Sales Objection

No improvising! Set yourself up for success with a structured framework for handling sales objections

Advanced Sales Objection Techniques

Success in sales requires a perfected skillset. Getting there is going to take practice and creativity


“Everything that Jeff talked about hit home! I need to build value and mitigate their negative response while I offer a solution. I need to allow the Customer to vent and actually encourage it by saying “tell me more” so they feel heard. I feel so much more prepared now and will be able to overcome objections in a more professional fashion, in a more positive way for the customer.”

– STACEY BORGMANN, Sales Professional, Perry Homes

Why Salespeople Struggle with Sales Objections

At Shore consulting, we train thousands of salespeople every year. Here are some of the things we hear when talking about sales objections…

  • “sales objections make me nervous”
  • “I don’t have a strategy for handling sales objections. I’m just winging it”
  • “I don’t have a set of go-to techniques”
  • “I take sales objections personally”
  • “Objections stop the sale dead in its track”

How Overcoming Sales Objections Solves These Problems

This course was designed to help you develop a mindset that embraces sales objections, and to build the strategies and techniques that will make you an expert in advancing the sale through those objections.

This course will show you how to turn EVERY sales objection into an opportunity to push the sale forward.

Course Curriculum

How to Think About Sales Objections

Lesson 1Sales Objections Defined

Lesson 2The Sales Professional’s Sales Objection Mindset

Lesson 3The Buyer’s Sales Objection Mindset

Bonus WebinarSales Objections vs Stalls

Sales Objections

Lesson 4Probing for the Real Issues

Lesson 5The Pattern for Overcoming Sales Objections

Lesson 6Types of Sales Objections

Bonus WebinarPartnering with Your Buyer

Advanced Sales Objection Techniques

Lesson 7Advanced Techniques 1-3

Lesson 8Advanced Techniques 4-6

Lesson 9Advanced Techniques 7-8

Bonus WebinarObjections Q&A

“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”


What is Overcoming Sales Objections?

Overcoming Objections is a 12-week course that features:

  • 9 in-depth video lessons about the mindset, strategies and techniques required to handle any objection
  • 9 homework assignments that give you the opportunity to put what you’re learning into daily practice
  • 3 bonus pre-recorded webinars featuring myself and the Sales365 Elite members who participated in our ongoing Objections discussions
  • Weekly emails to help you pace your way through the robust course


Learn how to embrace sales objections and see them for the opportunities that they are!

BUY THE COURSE - $129 per license


Build an objection-proof sales team. This is your next 12 weeks of content for your sales rallies!

BUY FOR YOUR TEAM - $99 per license

“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”



Get the course for free by joining Sales365 Elite for $39.99/mo + 30 day free trial.

Elite members of Sales365, get this course and all past, ongoing, and future courses included in their membership

…which you get to try for free for 30 days! 🙂


Jeff Shore Guarentee

Success Guarantee:

If you complete all of the certification requirements, and implement our practices without seeing improved results in the next six months (compared to the prior six months), we’ll gladly refund your investment—no questions asked!

Meet Your Instructor

Color portrait of Jeff Shore

Color portrait of Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.