Stop the Resolution Insanity! Why You Should Set a Goal Instead

Holiday traditions are great.

Want to pop the cork on a bottle of pricey champagne? Go for it.

Want to plant a solid kiss on your significant other? Enjoy that.

Does a rousing chorus of Auld Lang Syne tempt you? Sing with all your heart.

But please, PLEASE, stop the New Year’s Resolution insanity.

They are worse than foolish – they are downright dangerous.

Why are new year’s resolutions so perilous? Mostly because they are not actually resolutions. They are typically wishes, hopes, and feeble dreams.

They contain a whole lot of “it sure would be nice” and very little “I’ll do it if it kills me.”

So we set a resolution and we deeply believe in it …for a day or so. Then we laugh it off. “I didn’t really mean it. Too much champagne, I guess.”

Congratulations. You are starting your year off by failing at your very first goal.

Want to do this the right way? Here are a few steps:

1) Pick a goal with a reasonable target and a reasonable time frame.

“I’m going to start working out” gives you neither of these crucial elements. On the other hand, “By June 1st I will be down to ___ pounds” provides you with something tangible and measurable.

2) Write it down.

A goal without a written commitment is a pipe dream. Write down your goal and keep it posted in a prominent place.

3) FEEL your state of success.

You need to internalize what victory feels like. This is an important step that often goes overlooked. If you want the best chance of success, you need to attach a positive emotion to your goal. This will help you overcome any fear.

4) Brainstorm all the obstacles.

Make a list of everything that stands in the way of your goal. Don’t hold back – list every hindrance: time, effort, cooperation, motivation – anything that could stand in your way.

5) Write specific steps for how to eliminate every obstacle.
Attack each obstacle individually. This is your action plan.

6) Prioritize step four and go to work.
When you have eliminated every obstacle, you have reached your goal.

Stop making resolutions …but don’t stop goal-setting. Do it right. And you might find that in 2015, you will change the world!



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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.