Stop Oversharing With Your Customers

Stop Oversharing

In sales, we often fall into traps that, albeit unintentionally, may hinder our progress and impact our relationship with potential buyers. Today, I’d like to share a pivotal adjustment that could not only enhance your sales technique but also enrich your interactions with customers: Stop Oversharing!

The Common Pitfall

One of the most common pitfalls in sales is overwhelming customers with an excess of data. This approach, though usually well-intentioned, stems from our desire to appear knowledgeable and well-prepared. We thrive on having answers and, by extension, often feel compelled to share every piece of information at our disposal. But here’s the twist – more isn’t always better.

Consider a personal experience of mine. While shopping for a car, I encountered a salesperson fresh from a training session, brimming with technical knowledge about the vehicle, notably the “limited slip differential.” Now, while some may find this fascinating, to me, and likely to many of you, the specifics of car mechanics are not the deciding factor. I was more interested in the feel of the car, the convenience of the cupholder, and other creature comforts. The deep dive into technical specs didn’t aid my decision-making process; if anything, it detracted from it.

Understanding the Dangers of Oversharing

Oversharing doesn’t just risk boring or annoying potential buyers; it can actively stunt their decision-making process. This is crucial to understand. Our clients’ minds can be likened to a box that holds only a finite amount of information. When we overload this box, vital details get buried under a heap of unnecessary information, making it increasingly difficult for the customer to sift through to what truly matters to them.

This information overload can leave customers feeling stuck, unable to discern the essential from the trivial, and thus, unable to make a confident decision.

Know Everything, Share What Matters

The solution isn’t to limit your knowledge but to tailor your sharing. It’s about knowing everything, yet only imparting what’s relevant and valuable to the customer. This discernment is what separates good salespeople from truly great ones. But how do you ensure you’re not overwhelming your customer? The answer lies in the power of simple, yet significant, check-in questions.

The Power of Check-In Questions

“Does that make sense?”, “Am I being clear on this?”, and “Does that sound good to you?” are examples of check-in questions that can transform your sales approach. These questions serve a dual purpose. They not only provide your customers with the opportunity to voice confusion or seek clarification but also allow you to gauge their interest level and adjust your information flow accordingly.

This pattern of sharing a little, then asking a little, ensures that you’re providing information in digestible chunks, making it easier for the customer to process and engage with what you’re saying.

Stop Oversharing

For all new home sales professionals and indeed, salespeople across the board, embracing the practice of simplifying your sales pitch and focusing on the essence of what your customers truly care about can dramatically improve the effectiveness of your sales approach. This doesn’t mean dumbing down your presentations or withholding information. It means enhancing your sales interactions by making them more customer-centric, more relevant, and ultimately, more successful.

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.