Do You Have a Loser’s Mindset or a Losing Mindset?

Let’s face it, anyone who’s gotten anywhere in life has failed. Probably multiple times, and sometimes spectacularly (my personal favorite)!

Failure is a part of winning. If you’re not failing, you’re not stretching yourself. Thomas Edison said about his many attempts to make the world’s first light bulb, “I didn’t fail. I just figured out a thousand ways how not to make a light bulb.”

So when I talk about the loser’s mindset, I’m not talking about failure. I’m not saying that failure makes you a loser – not at all! It’s often a person’s response to failure that defeats them.  And succumbing to your failures is a losing proposition.

Here’s the watch-out… you might be running down a losing path if your mindset says of your failure:

It Not Me, It’s…

The product. The customer. The company. The price. The weather. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Sales people who consistently blame their failures on extrinsic factors and are unable to look intrinsically to assess their own part in the failure will continue to lose time and time again.

Why? Because if you don’t take any ownership or assess your own behaviors, you will never make the necessary adjustments to prevent continued failure.

I’m Just Not Good Enough and Never Will Be…

I’m sure we have all felt this way at one time or another – or many times!  I know I have.

This “not feeling good enough” is often referred to as the impostor syndrome. The impostor syndrome typically rears it’s ugly head at our lowest moments and tells us “You know you really aren’t good enough and sooner or later everyone is going to figure it out.”

It distorts our reality and makes it impossible to see ourselves how other’s see us. When we see ourselves as lower than or less than, our behavior follows and we perform like we are lower than or less than. This is a lose, loser scenario.

 , loser scenario.

I’ll Do It When…

Conditions are right. I have more time. I get more help.

One of the most prevalent and dangerous types of losing is losing because we’ve never even started. And we always have lots of reasons why we haven’t started.

Note: Another word for these “reasons” is “excuses”.

Conditions will never be perfect, just start. You have plenty of time already, just do it. Find the resources you need and make it happen.

Enough with excuses! Don’t allow them to make you a loser. Change your outlook to a winning mindset and do it now!

Reach for the amazing potential you have inside, and start living the life you want to live. Overcome your losing mindset, and be a winner!

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About the Author: Amy O'Connor

As one of the most in-demand sales training consultants in North America today, Amy O’Connor brings a decade’s worth of industry experience and knowledge, along with a fresh female perspective on leadership, to her impactful and enlightening seminars.