Are You Taking Ownership of Your Own Attitude?

I recently received the following email from Jennifer, a real estate salesperson in Michigan. It’s an interesting case study.

“I receive your weekly emails and try to use your tips on a daily basis. Your recent “Dealing with Challenging Customers” video series came at a perfect time. 

Most of my customers are 65 years old and up. They are usually stressed because of their move to senior living and/or dealing with health and financial issues. Your recent video stated that “abnormal behavior in abnormal situations is normal.” That is my daily life. Most folks are nice and just nervous. But we do get those who are confused, those who are very mean, and then those that come from old money… The Entitled.

Your video message dropped in my email right before just such a prospect came into the sales office. Your video coaching helped me see through their entitled behavior, understand it (even though I didn’t have to agree with it), and rise above it.

This local wealthy family entered like they were royalty. They didn’t want to hear “no” or “none available in the plan you want.” I used your techniques, explained the process, and killed them with kindness.

They returned the next day with reinforcements of more entitled people with even more demands. Same routine here. I bit my inner cheeks bloody. I was sweet as candy, very thorough, and gave them all the options they needed.

The next day, they came in and apologized for being so pushy, and signed an agreement for a home that was completely different than what they had asked for when they started…and then they hugged me. My new BFFs.”

Sometimes your customers are difficult. It happens…every day. The question is whether you will allow their behavior to change your attitude.

Remember the words of psychologist Victor Frankl: “Everything can be taken from a man except for one thing – the last of the human freedoms – the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.”

You, and you alone, control your attitude when dealing with difficult people. You’re the one who makes the game-changing choice to stay positive or to join them in their negativity.

Stay positive, my friends, and you can change someone’s world.


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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.