12 Ways You Can Execute At a Higher Level in Sales

Executing at peak performance requires constant and consistent self-evaluation. The Start, Stop, Continue and Change model, or SSCC for short, is a powerful tool for sales professionals can use to execute at a higher level.

The idea is simple – consider and evaluate the way you execute in four different ways:

Start: What am I not doing right now that I should start doing?

Stop: What am I doing that is getting me nowhere or wasting my time and energy?

Continue: What are the habits right now that are serving me well and I should continue?

Change: What are those things that I’ve always done a certain way but, if changed or updated, could bring me better results?

Based on the SSCC model, here are 12 ways for salespeople to immediately execute at a higher level…


Start #1: Start asking for the sale every time on visit one. In today’s fast paced economy, buyers want, need and are ready to make fast decisions.

Don’t eliminate yourself because you didn’t ask the sale. Remember, if you don’t ask for the sale, your competition will. Execute on this simple principle and you will start earning more commissions.

Start #2: Start following up with every lead, every time, no exceptions! Oh, and did I mention that I mean that you should follow up with a voice to voice phone call on the same day as their visit?

Yep, go old school and give them a call. The results are powerful.

Start #3: Start using social media and the appropriate technology tools to advance your selling success. Never get stuck in the “I’m too old to change” mentality.


Stop #1: Stop being the reason the sale stops. Take every conversation as far as it can possibly go, every single time. Never assume a buyer can’t or won’t make a buying decision.

Stop #2: Stop creating objections that aren’t there. When you hear an objection don’t jump forward with a snappy answer that might actually create a new or different objection in the buyer’s mind.

Allow the buyer to describe their objection fully before supplying an appropriate answer.

Stop #3: Stop trying to copy everyone else! Be you and be the very best version of you. Learn sales techniques and apply them in your own way. Use scripts but make sure the scripts are in your words, not someone else’s.

True sales professional execute in a way that is authentic and they use their individual personalities to their advantage. So study all the great sales gurus but don’t forget the power of just being yourself.


Continue #1: Continue reading my blogs – ha! In all seriousness, continue your path to self-improvement. You will always be the best trainer and coach that you know.

Push yourself. Improving your performance is your responsibility, and yours alone. You will only execute at higher levels through ongoing focus and practice.

Continue #2: Continue helping people through selling. Selling is a noble profession, never let anyone tell you otherwise. In sales we help our buyers by connecting them with goods and services that improve their lives in some way.

Continue #3: Continue showing up. Selling is often difficult; there is a lot of rejection in what we do every day.

Keep going. Keep fighting.Execute every day. Never stop.


Change #1: Change your paradigm. Now I don’t know what paradigm challenges you have specifically, but we all have paradigms that need to shift.

Maybe for you it is the belief that selling truly is a noble professional or that buyers can and will buy on visit one. I don’t know but find your limiting paradigms and break them!

Change #2: Change your approach. Here’s a crazy thought; if there is something you are doing right now in your sales process that isn’t working, consider changing your approach.

Ask a different question! Try a different closing technique! Change the way you demonstrate your product! Don’t be so married to your process that you forget to make adjustments when needed.

Change #3: Change quickly. What are you waiting for?

Go! Change the world!

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About the Author: Amy O'Connor

As one of the most in-demand sales training consultants in North America today, Amy O’Connor brings a decade’s worth of industry experience and knowledge, along with a fresh female perspective on leadership, to her impactful and enlightening seminars.