Building Rapport through a Powerful Sales Introduction

building rapport in sales

By Michelle Bendien 

Building Trust & Rapport in Sales with a Strong Introduction

Being liked by potential customers is often the first step towards success. When customers like you, they trust you, and this trust can significantly increase the likelihood of making a sale. Surprisingly, the customer’s decision about whether or not they like you happens much sooner than most people realize. In this blog post, we will explore strategies for gaining trust and building rapport fast in sales interactions.

The Importance of a Good First Impression

According to a study conducted by Princeton University, people form judgments about trustworthiness, competence, and likability within one second of seeing someone’s face, with trustworthiness being evaluated in a mere 1/10th of a second. This quick judgment process highlights the significance of making a positive first impression. Conversely, a study from Harvard University reveals that it can take up to eight subsequent positive encounters to change a negative impression. Therefore, it’s crucial to start strong to ensure a favorable outcome.

Preparing for the Customer’s Arrival

To make a lasting impression, it’s essential to begin preparing for the customer’s visit before they even step through the door. At Shore Consulting, we emphasize the critical 12 seconds: the 5 seconds before the customer arrives and the 7 seconds after they enter. Let’s delve into what can be done during these crucial moments.

  • The Five Seconds Before: During the five seconds before the customer walks in, it is recommended to be on your feet and moving. This active approach exudes positive energy, conveying a sense of enthusiasm and readiness. Sitting down when a customer arrives can leave a negative impression, giving off the message that you are too busy or uninterested in assisting them.
  • The Seven Seconds After: After the customer enters, the initial greeting is pivotal. Traditional greetings like “Hi, how can I help you?” or “What brought you out today?” should be retired. Instead, aim to make customers feel welcomed and special. Express gratitude for their visit, introduce yourself, and use their name. Engaging in friendly conversation before diving into business matters can help establish a more personal connection.

Becoming “Coffee Worthy”

The ultimate goal of a strong introduction is to become “coffee worthy” in the eyes of the customer. This term, coined by Shore Consulting, signifies that within just a couple of minutes, customers should like and trust you enough to be willing to have a cup of coffee with you. To achieve this, consider the characteristics of someone you would go have a coffee with: friendly, interesting, and genuinely interested. Being a good listener is crucial. These traits collectively contribute to likeability and form the foundation of trustworthiness.

The Power of Likeability and Rapport

Likeability plays a vital role in building trust, and trust, in turn, enables you to influence and persuade customers effectively. By establishing a strong rapport from the start, customers are more likely to slow down, answer your questions, and share their story with you. Understanding their story allows you to gain deep insights into their needs, preferences, and motivations as a buyer, equipping you with the knowledge to sell them a suitable product or service. A strong introduction has the power to change someone’s world.

In sales, the initial impression you make on customers can have a lasting impact on the success of your interactions. By focusing on building trust and rapport from the very beginning, you can significantly increase your chances of closing deals and satisfying customer needs. Remember the importance of a positive first impression, the critical 12 seconds, and the goal of becoming “coffee worthy.” By embodying likability and establishing rapport, you can create meaningful connections with customers and transform their buying experience.

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About the Author: Michelle Bendien

With over two decades of diverse experience in the new home building industry, Michelle Bendien brings her intellect, world-class communication skills and passion for real estate to help sales teams across the country to achieve mastery level selling skills.