Revolutionize Your Sales Success with Closing 2.0

Sales Technique Closing

By Ryan Taft

Elevate Your Sales Technique with Closing 2.0

Picture a salesperson sealing the deal with finesse. What image comes to mind? Is it Alec Baldwin delivering his legendary “Coffee is for closers” speech? That iconic portrayal represents the bygone era of Closing 1.0.

In the past, sales training often pitted salespeople against customers, emphasizing aggressive tactics and confrontational approaches. Regrettably, many trainers still cling to this outdated model. 

However, my nationwide interactions with sales professionals have revealed their dissatisfaction with such methods. It either made them appear pushy or, worse, compelled them to shy away from closing entirely (see point number 5 below).

But what if closing were reimagined as an act performed for the customer’s benefit? Wouldn’t that yield greater effectiveness and comfort for both parties involved? 

Enter Closing 2.0—a collaborative approach revolutionizing the sales game.

The Power of Collaboration

Closing 2.0 revolutionizes the sales process by embracing collaboration. Instead of treating customers as adversaries, salespeople work alongside them to uncover mutually beneficial solutions. Asking for the sale becomes a seamless and natural part of the interaction.

Is it Time to Transition? 

  1. From “Us vs. Them” to “We”: In the movie “Boiler Room,” Ben Affleck’s character declares, “A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock, or he sells you on a reason you can’t.” This adversarial mentality must give way to Closing 2.0’s emphasis on collaboration rather than combativeness.
  2. Beyond “Yes” Questions: Manipulation has no place in Closing 2.0. Instead of coercing customers into saying “yes,” the focus shifts to uncovering a series of “yeses” throughout the conversation, indicating alignment and genuine interest.
  3. Certainty through Engagement: Traditional salespeople employing Closing 1.0 bombard customers with features and benefits, uncertain of their response to the final closing question. In contrast, Closing 2.0 practitioners engage customers consistently, seeking their thoughts and input. By doing so, they gain clarity on the customer’s inclination towards a positive or negative response.
  4. Embracing Authenticity: Bid farewell to robotic sales scripts. Upgrading from 1.0 to 2.0 means adopting a casual, conversational tone. Imagine asking a friend if they want another beer. You wouldn’t say, “You’d love another beer, wouldn’t you agree?”
  5. Confidence without Yielding: Many salespeople fear being pushy, which is valid. However, this shouldn’t lead to weak closing questions that diminish the impact. Avoid phrases like:
  • “Do you have any more questions?”
  • “Can I get you any more information?”
  • “My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please let me know if you want to move forward.”

If any of these indicators resonate with you, it’s a clear sign that developing Closing 2.0 skills is crucial. Remember, closing is a service rendered to customers, not an imposition. Closing 2.0 involves asking with confidence, knowing you genuinely assist customers in achieving their personal objectives.

A New Normal: Making Closing Effortless

Ultimately, closing should seamlessly blend into your customer conversations. It should be easy, stress-free, and even enjoyable. When you master Closing 2.0, you possess the power to transform your customers’ world.

Embrace the shift from Closing 1.0 to Closing 2.0. Paint a collaborative canvas with your customers, uncovering shared solutions that drive success. With Closing 2.0, you’ll witness closing become a natural and empowering part of your sales discussions. Let’s unlock the potential for extraordinary results together.


Ready to become your customer’s hero? Join our Closing 2.0 Online Course, an 8-week training program designed to transform your sales skills. Each week, you’ll dive deep into a specific closing technique through engaging video lessons. 

Accompanied by comprehensive study notes and practice assignments, you’ll crush your bad habits and build the essential skills needed for success. Enroll now and embark on your journey to Closing 2.0 mastery!

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About the Author: Ryan Taft

As the former National Sales Training Manager for a Top 5 homebuilder and a licensed Realtor® in Arizona, Ryan Taft is consumed with a passion for helping others achieve breakthrough results in sales, business and life.