Guts and Glory

I ran across a fascinating video this week that I think you should see. If you’re like me you’re not much of an X-games type of guy, but I do appreciate incredible feats when I see them.

Here’s the assignment. Watch the following video and as you do I want to suggest that you write down the single words that come to mind as you are viewing. Just top-of-mind words that represent what you are seeing.

Go ahead and watch the video…

Was that not amazing? Were you impressed? Inspired? I’ve watched it several times and I am absolutely blown away.

Did you do the assignment? Did you write down words? If so, I’d love for you to share them with the rest of us. Enter those words in the blog response box, below.

May I share a couple of words that popped into my brain?

1) Guts. That guy had to have fallen over and over again, and some of those falls must have been just plain nasty. Clearly he has the guts to get back on the bike and try it again. Are you gutsy when it comes to doing great things? And are you gutsy enough to keep trying when you fall?

2) Vision. Do you get the sense that the rider sees opportunities to do incredible things where other people just see steps and rails and fences? How limited in vision are we in the common opportunities to do extraordinary things?

3) Reward. This guy is involved in high-risk endeavors. But then people who accomplish extraordinary feats are rarely low-risk people. And with that risk comes reward. He does things no one else can do. Why? Because he is willing to try things that no one else will try.

I love this guy! Kinda makes me want to go do something incredible!

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.