Daily Goals

You’re probably reading this early in the day, and if so I have some good news for you: the entire day before you is a blank slate on which you can paint your own picture. Yesterday is fully complete, never to be altered. Tomorrow is no guarantee. You have today and today only.

So why not make the most of it? Why not approach the day with intentionality and with a clear purpose?

One way to do that is to get into the habit of setting daily goals. These are mini-goals that can be accomplished before you leave work this afternoon (or evening if you’re writing a late-day sale!). The great thing about mini-goals is that they are self-contained and easily tracked. They also give your day more focus, and they put you in control of your own success.

Some ideas for mini-goals today:

  • Pick one skill to rehearse several times and then use with a customer.
  • Find one customer in your backlog and move them from moderately satisfied to elated with their experience.
  • Call five current homeowners and remind them that you appreciate their referrals.
  • Call a peer and role-play a technique you recently learned.

What else? What can you resolve to do early in the day that will make a difference? Set a goal, and change your world.

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.