Oh, The Pressure!

I regularly hear salespeople say something like, “I’m not a high-pressure salesperson – I just want to help people purchase.” Conversely, I rarely hear a salesperson say, “I’m a very high-pressure salesperson – I just want to manipulate people into buying a home they don’t really want.”

If you ask most salespeople they will suggest that there are just two classifications: high-pressure and low-pressure. We’re missing an entire group: “no-pressure salespeople”. The fact is that many who would otherwise call themselves “low-pressure” are in fact reticent to apply pressure of any kind. They are information providers and polite helpers, but there is no evidence of pressure of any sort.

In my opinion, the very word “pressure” can tend to make people uncomfortable. It is generally perceived as negative, and understandably so. Pressure can mean pushing, or at least nudging. The fear is that a nudge from me seems like a shove to you.

There is a very simple answer to all of this, and it comes in the form of a new category: customer-centric pressure. Might I apply pressure in the sales presentation? I might…when doing so would be in the best interest of my customer! That is the difference between helping and manipulating.

Sometimes that customer desperately needs your persuasion. If they see you as a trusted resource in the decision-making process, what harm is being done? Would you not persuade your best friend to do something that is in his/her best interest? Of course you would.

Get over the idea that you are forbidden from encouraging your customer to do that which is in their best interest. Get into customer-centric pressure. Get into changing their world!

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.