Are You a Sales Newbie? Here Are 3 Game Changing Sales Tips Just for You!

Ah, the brand new sales person! All fresh and shiny. Your infinite exuberance never fails to inspire me!

I find you often fervently searching for new sales techniques but also the right mindset to achieve sales success.

Most of the articles I read from other professional sales bloggers speak to seasoned sales professionals. And the message all but ignores those who are brand new to the noble profession of sales.

So sales newbies – this one’s for you! Read on for the very best advice I can offer you.

3 Game Changing Sales Tips for Sales Newbies

#1 Keep That Glow

It is not uncommon for a newbie, exploding with excitement, to run up to me after or during one or my training sessions or speaking events to ask me:

“If you could give me one piece of advice, what would it be?”

No pressure, right?

Now when I hear this question, I know that they are expecting sage wisdom, some pearl that I can give them wrapped into a neat and pithy one liner that will catapult them to instant sales success.

I don’t think they expect to hear what I always say:

“If I could tell you one thing, keep all this!” And I wave my hands all around them like a crazy person!

And what I mean, of course, is for them to cling to and never lose the excitement I see in them at that very moment. I hope these newbies will always remain passionate and enthusiastic about the adventure we call selling.

#2 “Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood”

I love this quote from Stephen Covey and it will serve you well in your sales presentations!

Salespeople sometimes feel so thrilled about the product that we can’t seem to keep ourselves from sharing every single detail about our product with everyone we meet even though feature-dumping is a big no-no.

I remember a few years back when I was out to dinner with a group of girlfriends. One of them had just been hired by a large pharmaceutical company as a sales person for one of their newest drugs meant to treat diabetes. She had just returned from two weeks of training, and she was jazzed to tell us all about this miracle drug.

Getting caught up in her enthusiasm while explaining all the benefits of her product, she blurted out “I mean, I wish I had diabetes so I could take this drug!”

Now she certainly didn’t mean that she truly wished she had the disease, but we all had a good laugh and it reminded me that in sales, no matter how excited we feel to share the benefits of our product, the message will fall of deaf ears if we don’t first fully understand the buyer’s mission.

#3 Never Stop Learning

Selling is a craft that is best developed through constant and continually learning. None of us will ever achieve perfection in the art of selling, but those who achieve mastery will do so through openness to learning and a pure desire to continuously hone their craft.

I am often amazed and saddened (and okay, if I’m being honest, totally annoyed) when I encounter a “veteran” or “seasoned” sales person who believes they’ve got it all figured out and are closed-off to building new sales skills or trying new techniques.

As Jeff Shore often says, “You can sell one of two different ways: you can sell the way you want to sell or you can sell the way a buyer wants to buy.”

Can you guess what will serve you and the customer more effectively?

The way buyers want to buy evolves over times, and we must evolve too if we are to stay at the top of our game and continue changing people’s worlds!

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About the Author: Amy O'Connor

As one of the most in-demand sales training consultants in North America today, Amy O’Connor brings a decade’s worth of industry experience and knowledge, along with a fresh female perspective on leadership, to her impactful and enlightening seminars.