3 Ways to Build Buyer Confidence and Close More Deals

Build Buyer Confidence

No one likes feeling stupid. 

Think about it. When’s the last time you woke up and said, “Boy, I can’t wait to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone today?  

For most people, the aversion to feeling stupid is deeply ingrained, shaping our interactions and decisions in everyday life (that’s why you’ll never find me willingly playing Trivial Pursuit).  

This sentiment is particularly amplified in the realm of sales, where buyers are often faced with complex products, unfamiliar industries, and the fear of making an uninformed decision. 

A staggering 73% of customers say that product knowledge is what they need most from a sales associate. This stems from the fear of making an uninformed decision, a deep-seated aversion to feeling foolish or out of place, especially when faced with complex products, intricate services, or unfamiliar industries. 

Salespeople, as the guiding hands in the buying process, play a crucial role to build buyer confidence. Unfortunately, certain sales tactics and interactions can inadvertently undermine the buyer’s self-assurance, leading to a strained relationship and ultimately, lost sales opportunities. 

3 Ways Salespeople Make Their Buyers Feel Dumb 

Using Industry Jargon 

One of the most common missteps that salespeople make is the excessive use of industry jargon. Technical terms and acronyms, while commonplace within the industry, can leave buyers feeling lost and overwhelmed. A 2018 study found that when an industry expert (salesperson) uses jargon to a layperson (buyer) the end result is a decrease in perceived credibility and trustworthiness, hindering the buyer’s willingness to engage and trust the salesperson. 

Asking Difficult Questions 

Another pitfall to avoid is bombarding buyers with complex or premature questions. Asking questions like, “When do you plan to make a purchase?” or “What budget are you working with?” can put buyers on the spot, forcing them to fabricate answers or feel inadequate for not having definitive plans.  

Making The Buyer Ask You How To Buy Your Product 

For many buyers, especially when dealing with high-end products or complex services, the process of purchasing isn’t always crystal clear. This ambiguity can breed hesitation, causing potential clients to second-guess their decisions. If the steps involved in the transaction are not explicitly laid out, buyers may feel overwhelmed, and the lack of clarity may deter them from making a commitment. 

Strategies to Build Buyer Confidence 

Make Your Presentation Buyer Focused 

To foster a positive and confident buying experience, salespeople should adopt strategies that empower buyers and address their concerns. In order to make sure your sales presentation is clear; you should run your presentation by a non-industry friend. Ask them to point out words or phrases they don’t understand. Then look for different language you can use instead. 

Nurturing Buyer-Centric Interactions 

Adopting a buyer-centric approach is another crucial step. Instead of focusing on pushing products or services, salespeople should prioritize understanding the buyer’s needs and challenges. Try focusing on asking questions that will help the buyer clarify some of their issues. “So tell me, why are you wanting to purchase (Product A)?” or “Are there any features you’re particularly interested in?” These questions are much less threatening, which makes the buyer more comfortable continuing the process with you. 

Explain the Buying Journey 

Finally, providing clear explanations of the buying process is essential to alleviate buyer anxiety. Outlining the steps involved, from initial inquiries to post-purchase support, helps to build buyer confidence to make informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed. It works like this: You start with something like “Well, if you did decide to purchase today, let me explain how the process would work. First we would do X. Then Y. Next Z happens.” 

The goal here is to give the buyer enough data so they feel like they’re making an informed decision. But not too much data that they become overwhelmed. Then you can add, “Would you like to get started with that today?” 

Transforming the Buyer Experience from Anxiety to Empowerment 

I’m convinced that 98% of salespeople do not set out to make their buyers feel stupid. It is inadvertent and unintentional. But your intentions are never what matters when you are in sales. It’s the perception of your intention by the buyer that counts. 

By avoiding common sales blunders and by building your buyer’s confidence, salespeople can transform the buying experience from a source of anxiety to a journey of empowerment. By prioritizing your buyer and their wants and needs, salespeople can foster long-lasting customer relationships and achieve sustainable sales success. 

Today, real estate is about helping your buyer envision their new life in their new home. When you see through the buyer’s eyes, you create unforgettable emotional experiences that accelerate sales, increase conversion rates, and earn priceless word-of-mouth marketing. And you will enjoy your job more along the way. 

In Buying the Experience, you will learn how to personalize every home, engage buyers emotionally, and deliver experiences that sell! 

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About the Author: Amy O'Connor

As one of the most in-demand sales training consultants in North America today, Amy O’Connor brings a decade’s worth of industry experience and knowledge, along with a fresh female perspective on leadership, to her impactful and enlightening seminars.