Believe in the Sale: Transforming Customer Interactions this Christmas

Believe in the sale

Do You Believe? Sales Beliefs for the Festive Season 

As we embrace the festive spirit of Christmas, it’s time to reflect on the power of belief – not just in the magic of the season, but in the potential of our customers and our sales approach. When we look to make changes and improvements in our sales behaviors, we should always start by taking a look at what we believe to be true. Afterall, we behave according to what we believe -which makes our beliefs extremely powerful! 

Today, I want to explore how adopting three key beliefs can transform our sales interactions into experiences of joy, connection, and success. Each belief has a direct effect on our behavior.  

Belief 1: Every Customer Is on a Mission to Improve Their Life. 

 Christmas is a time of hope and aspirations. Believing that each customer is on a quest to better their life can radically change how we interact with them. This belief instills a sense of curiosity in us – why, with everything else going on in the holiday season (or any season!), is this customer choosing to spend their time with us? There must be a story here! 

When we adopt this belief, we become more engaged in understanding their story, their needs, and how our product or service can be a part of their life-improving journey.  

Behavioral Impact: When we see our customers as individuals with unique stories and aspirations, our conversations become more personalized and empathetic. We ask more meaningful questions, listen actively, and connect the dots between their desires and our offerings.  

These personalized interactions, driven by our curiosity to uncover our customers’ mission, make the sales process much more enjoyable for our customers… and for us! 

Belief 2: Every Customer Has the Ability to Purchase a Home on Their First Visit  

Yes, I know I will get some push back on this one… but stick with me because this mindset actually has nothing to do with your customer. How would YOUR behavior change if you adopted this belief? 

This belief is about recognizing the potential in every encounter. During Christmas, when people are more inclined to make significant life decisions, assume that every customer who walks in is ready to make a purchase. This mindset prepares us to give our best in every interaction.  

Behavioral Impact: With this belief, we approach each sale with enthusiasm and thoroughness. We provide complete information, ask and answer questions thoroughly, and guide the customer through the decision-making process with confidence. It’s about taking the sale as far as it can go, every single time.  

The danger in not adopting this belief is that we could unintentionally stop our own sales process – throwing up road blocks and extra unnecessary appointments into our own process. That’s no fun for our buyers… or for us! 

Belief 3: Follow-Up Is a Valuable Service – And It’s Fun!

Follow-up is often seen as a chore, but what if we view it as an opportunity to spread festive cheer? Believing that follow-up is not just a task but a valuable service can transform it into a creative and enjoyable activity.  

Behavioral Impact: Each follow-up becomes a chance to enhance the customer’s experience. We get creative, personalizing our approach, and ensuring that every interaction elevates their emotional altitude. It’s about making them feel special and cared for, which is the essence of the Christmas spirit.  

How might your follow up change if you made every call, video message, and text personalized and special for your buyer? My guess is that this could be fun for your customer… and for you too! 

Embracing the Spirit of Belief

As sales professionals, our beliefs significantly influence our behaviors. By embracing these three beliefs around Christmas, we can turn our sales interactions into experiences of joy, connection, and success.  

Let’s spread the magic of believing, not just in the power of Christmas, but in the potential of every customer and every sale. 

When we do this, I believe we change our customers’ worlds! 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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About the Author: Mary Beth Berry

As an accomplished leader with over a decade's experience at the country's top volume producing builders, Mary Beth Berry is passionate about helping sales professionals achieve excellence using lively and engaging training strategies. When she isn’t working, Mary Beth enjoys traveling, trying new restaurants with her husband of ten years, and playing outside with her two adorable little boys.