Your Customer is The Market

Your Customer is The Market

Redefine The Market and Focus On Your Customer 

Headlines scream “tough market,” inventory lingers, and whispers of “recession” swirl like dust devils. It’s enough to shake even the most seasoned new home salesperson. But hold on – what if this narrative is just a mirage? What if the key to success lies not in external forces, but in a simple shift in how you see the market itself? 

The Traditional Market View 

New home sales professionals often find themselves fixated on various market factors: supply and demand dynamics, fluctuating prices, macroeconomic trends, competitive forces, job growth statistics, interest rates, and the availability of mortgages. These elements, while significant, are largely beyond an individual’s control. Focusing solely on these can make one feel like a victim of circumstances, a mindset that is inadvertently passed on to the customers. 

Redefining “The Market” 

Forget battling tides you can’t control. You need to reframe and redefine the market itself. No longer is it some vast, nebulous entity dictating your fate. Instead, the market becomes a much more intimate affair: one salesperson + one homebuyer = The Market

Think about it. Every customer who walks through your door represents their own unique microcosm of the market. Their needs, desires, and circumstances are like brushstrokes painting a personalized landscape. Sure, external factors like interest rates might add a touch of gray here and there, but the true masterpiece lies in understanding this individual’s canvas. 

This isn’t a Pollyanna-esque denial of reality. It’s a strategic move. By focusing on the single person standing before you, you reclaim your power. You stop being tossed about by unseen waves and become the captain of your own ship. Suddenly, those dreaded market conditions fade into the background, replaced by the vibrant possibilities right in front of you. 

Change Your Mindset on Tough Markets 

So, how does this mindset shift translate into action for new home sales success?: 

  • Ditch the traffic number obsession: You need just three “right” conversations to make three sales. Quality trumps quantity. Go deep, not wide. 
  • Unfazed by competitor carrots?: If they’re throwing out bigger incentives, it’s because their garden might be a little less appealing. Focus on showcasing the unique strengths of your community. Make your backyard bloom! 
  • Embrace the single-visit close: If it’s the perfect fit, why delay the inevitable? Celebrate a swift, satisfying match for buyer and home. 

Remember, every customer brings their own “market.” That guy who wouldn’t blink at a train rumbling by? He’s your market for that “trackside charmer.” You just need to see him, not judge him. 

Adopting this one-on-one market perspective doesn’t just change your outlook – it amplifies your potential. It turns every interaction into a laser-focused dance of discovery, where you uncover the hidden desires and motivations that unlock the sale. You become a magician, pulling rabbits of delight from the seemingly ordinary hat of a customer’s needs. 

Every Customer is A Market 

So, is the market tough? No doubt. But that’s only if you choose to see it as an insurmountable mountain. With a simple shift in your lens, you can transform it into a series of stepping stones, each leading you closer to the summit of success. Remember, the entire market is walking through your door right now. Will you be ready to greet them with open arms and a confident grin? 

Dive Deeper and Conquer Your Market: Grab your copy of Tough(er) Market New Home Sales and discover how one salesperson can truly make a market boom. This book isn’t just about surviving a downturn; it’s about thriving in any terrain, turning every prospect into a personal market victory. 

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.