Manage Your Customer’s Expectations by Gaining Agreement

Manage Expectations by Gaining Agreement

Setting Customer Expectations Through Gaining Agreement

In sales, the phrase “managing customer expectations” has become something of a mantra. Yet, despite its ubiquity, achieving a universal understanding or a one-size-fits-all approach to this concept seems as elusive as stopping the wind itself. 

The traditional view of managing expectations suggests a unilateral action directed at the customer, implying a control or alteration of their anticipations without their active involvement. This perspective not only undermines the potential for a collaborative relationship but also simplistically underestimates the complexity of customer interactions. As industry professionals, it’s imperative to pivot from this outdated methodology to a more inclusive and partnership-oriented approach: Gaining Agreement. 

How “Gaining Agreement” Works

The essence of gaining agreements lies in its fundamental shift from managing to collaborating. This approach fosters a dialogue where expectations are not merely managed but mutually established and agreed upon. Let’s delve deeper into how this approach can be applied in three critical areas of sales interactions: delivery dates, warranties, and price negotiations. 

Delivery Dates 

Traditional expectation management might frame delivery timelines as uncertain and largely out of control; inadvertently setting the stage for potential disappointment. In contrast, gaining agreements involves a commitment to quality and a shared understanding that delivery times are contingent upon maintaining high standards. This approach ensures that both parties are aligned and agree on prioritizing quality over speed. Establishing mutual respect and understanding from the outset of the deal. 


Warranties often come with fine print that customers are urged to scrutinize to avoid future disputes. However, this can create a sense of distance and distrust. By gaining agreement, we communicate a shared desire for everything to work flawlessly, acknowledging the imperfections of the world. This approach builds trust, indicating that support is just a phone call away should anything go awry. Reassures the customer of a shared commitment to their satisfaction. 

Price Negotiations 

The topic of price negotiation is fraught with tension, with policies often presented as rigid and non-negotiable. Transitioning to gaining agreements, we present pricing fairness not as a policy but as a principle. This perspective ensures that the conversation about price is framed around fairness and equality, emphasizing that the value received is equitable and justified, which can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

The Path Forward 

Embracing the gaining agreement approach requires a cultural shift within organizations. Moving away from a directive stance to one that values partnership and mutual understanding. This shift not only enhances customer relationships but also aligns closely with contemporary expectations of transparency, fairness, and respect in business dealings. 

As we navigate the complexities of new home sales, the transition from managing expectations to gaining agreements offers a promising avenue for fostering more meaningful and productive customer relationships. It encourages open dialogue, mutual respect, and shared goals, laying the foundation for a more engaged and satisfied customer base. 

The journey from managing expectations to gaining agreements signifies more than a mere change in terminology—it represents a profound transformation in how we engage with our customers. By adopting this approach, we not only elevate our customer interactions but also contribute to a more positive, equitable, and successful business environment. It’s a change that benefits not just the customer or the company, but the entire industry. Setting a new standard for how sales professionals engage and succeed in today’s competitive landscape. 

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.