How Procrastination is Suffocating Your Productivity

In my ongoing quest to increase the level of boldness in all areas of my life, I must constantly deal with an old nemesis: procrastination. Based on my informal surveys and human nature, I’m guessing many of you might struggle with this issue as well. In my recent article for Business LockerRoom, I address the struggle of procrastination and how it suffocates your productivity.

Organizational psychologists label procrastination as pandemic in today’s workplace. Countless hours and profits are lost to this mindset.

Not to mention, stress and burnout increase as procrastination goes unchecked.

Is this starting to sound familiar to you?

Procrastination occurs when an uncomfortable task stares you in the face and you submit to the discomfort completing the task entails so you make up a story as to why deferring action is in your best interest.

Read the full article on procrastination and productivity here.

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.