Stop Trying to Get the Gold Star

Builder and Developer Magazine recently published an article I wrote explaining how trying to “earn a gold star” can actually hurt your sales.

If you have been selling homes for more than a few years, odds are you know any and all reasons why people move. Job transfer, mother-in-law moving in, having a baby, our home is too small, etc. In other words, there isn’t a story you haven’t heard.

Because we love to provide solutions, we tend to jump in with the solution as soon as we recognize the story. When we jump in with solutions too quickly we rob the customer of getting emotional. Why is that important? Because people buy emotionally. Once you stop trying to earn the gold star, it is time to get personal and elicit emotion.

You can read the whole article here.

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About the Author: Ryan Taft

As the former National Sales Training Manager for a Top 5 homebuilder and a licensed Realtor® in Arizona, Ryan Taft is consumed with a passion for helping others achieve breakthrough results in sales, business and life.