3 Sales Strategies for Introverts

Not every salesperson is the most exuberant, energized, extroverted person you’ve ever met.

Here are my sales strategies for introverts.

Would you rather be at the beach with friends or in your backyard?

Would you rather attend a large potluck or a small picnic, a cocktail party or would you rather be on your own sofa?

Being an extrovert or an introvert has to do with where you get and where you replenish your energy.

Extroverts get their energy replenished by being around people and absorbing that collective energy.

Introverts tend to replenish their energy internally or when they are alone.

Now, there’s actually a huge advantage to being an introvert in sales.

Introverts tend to be more curious. They tend to make better listeners.

And we know that these are skills that are critical to success in sales.

The introvert is content to learn from the people around them.

These are three sales strategies if you’re an introvert and you want to be great at sales.

  1. Flex your curiosity muscle.

Since introverts tend to be more curious, it’s already an advantage that you have. Use it.

The best salespeople are curious people, and curiosity is a muscle that can be grown.

Flex that curiosity muscle throughout the sales conversation. And good news on this, by the way, people enjoy talking about themselves.

  1. Tell stories.

Introverts love to tell stories because it takes the focus off of them and puts it on the main point they’re trying to communicate.

The stories are often of previous customers who’ve faced similar situations and found solutions that worked well.

Telling stories is a way of getting the point across by focusing on something or someone else.

  1. Assume the sale.

Introverts might struggle sometimes with the idea of asking for the sale, but if you assume the sale in your own mind, you’ll change your mental language.

In essence, you begin with the end in mind. Assume that they’re going to buy.

Bonus Tip: Check out Sales365, at sales365.io or Sales365 as an app for your phone at your app store. We’re turning top 10 percenters into top one percenters and we want you to come along.

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.