3 Ways to Grow Earned Influence in Sales

The ability to influence others is not a personality trait. It’s a skill set. It can be learned, honed, and perfected over time. Successful salespeople know how to use influence to connect with their prospects, to build trust, and ultimately to close more sales.

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The Importance of Earned Influence in Sales

Influence cannot be assumed and that it must be earned. Your customer owes you nothing when they first walk through the door. They might carry baggage from previous sales encounters that work against your influence. You must begin every interaction in person, on the phone, or even in an email with the idea that influence is earned.

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Sales Training on Your Customer’s Backstory: It Comes Down to Your Questioning Skills

Every customer has a backstory, but most salespeople don’t bother to find out what it is. They fret about what the customer is moving to rather than what the customer is coming from. That line of questioning won’t get you far because you haven’t learned a thing about your customer’s backstory. You don’t understand the context around their decision to walk into your showroom in the first place.

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