The Most Important Sales Question: Why Are We Talking?

Why are we talking?

Rethinking Sales Questions: Why “Why Are We Talking?” Matters Most 

As a sales veteran of 30 years, having trained thousands across the globe, I’ve seen a lot of presentations. Some brilliant, some… well, not so much. And one common thread I’ve observed is the overuse of ineffective questions. 

Let’s debunk some popular yet flawed questions that many salespeople rely on, and discover a powerful alternative that can transform your sales game. 

Ditch These “Not-So-Important” Sales Questions 

  1. “How can I help you?”

While seemingly helpful, this question puts the customer in the driver’s seat. It’s more facilitating than selling, and can leave you scrambling to react to their every whim. 

  1. “Tell me what you are looking for.”

This sounds straightforward, but it has two major flaws: 

  • Many people don’t know what they want. Imagine a man shopping for a Valentine’s Day gift. He’s likely clueless, leaving you with a “something shiny” response. 
  • It implies they should know. This can make the customer feel inadequate right off the bat. 
  1. “What brought you out today?”

A common retail question, but utterly useless in uncovering buying motivations. It’s a dead-end conversation starter, not a springboard for meaningful dialogue. 

  1. “How did you hear about us?”

Great for marketing, not sales. This question diverts the focus away from the customer’s needs and towards your company’s marketing channels. Save it for later. 

The Most Important Sales Question: “Why Are We Talking?” 

Here’s the game-changer: “Why are we talking?” 

This deceptively simple question holds the key to unlocking your customer’s true motivations. It transcends the mere search for product fit and delves into the heart of their “why.” 

While the precise wording can vary, the core principle remains: uncovering the “why” behind their desire to purchase. 

Making it Work: Practical Tips for Utilizing the “Why” Question 

  • Context is Key: 

“I know you’re busy, and I want to make this efficient. What led you to consider a new _________?” 

  • Focus on the Pain Points: 

“Something isn’t working right with your current situation, right? Tell me what’s frustrating you.” 

  • Embrace Open-Ended Simplicity: 

“May I ask a few questions to understand your needs better? Tell me why you’re thinking about making a change.” 

Transforming Your Sales Process with “Why?” 

Once your customer delves into their “why,” the rest of your sales journey becomes smooth sailing. You’ll be equipped to: 

  • Tailor your approach: Addressing their specific needs and desires with laser focus. 
  • Build unwavering trust: Earning their confidence by demonstrating you understand them deeply. 
  • Close more deals: Converting conversations into loyal customers and exceeding your sales goals. 

Stop Blending in with the Crowd: Embrace “Why” 

By prioritizing “why” in your sales approach, you’ll instantly differentiate yourself from the masses of average salespeople. You’ll transform into a trusted advisor, not just another pushy sales rep. 

Embrace this powerful question and witness your sales soar to new heights. 

Becoming a Top Performer: The Journey Begins with “Why” 

Following these tips and actively utilizing the “why” question will propel you on your path to becoming a top-performing salesperson. Remember, successful selling is not about talking, but about truly listening. By understanding your customer’s “why,” you unlock their true needs and forge lasting relationships. 

Go forth and sell with purpose! 

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.