Conquer Your Fear of Negotiating The Sale

Conquer your fear of negotiating

Get Over Your Irrational Fear of Closing The Sale

In my three decades of experience working in the real estate industry both as a sales professional and trainer, I’ve witnessed a curious phenomenon during shifting markets. The art of closing a sale, or what we might call the final act of negotiation, often gets overshadowed in strong markets. But what happens when the market shifts? Suddenly, the skill of closing, neglected and underused, becomes a salesperson’s lifeline. I want to explore how sales professionals can reclaim and master this skill, turning what is often feared into a powerful tool for success. 

Rediscovering the Lost Art of Closing 

Consider this: In a buoyant market, customers often approach salespeople, eager to purchase. This dynamic, while favorable, can inadvertently cause sales skills to rust. When the market takes an unexpected turn, the ability to effectively close a sale becomes not just valuable, but essential. However, many find themselves unprepared, their closing muscles weakened from disuse. 

The Yielder’s Dilemma 

A critical aspect that I emphasize in my training sessions is what I call the “yielder” tendencies among salespeople. This refers to the inclination to shy away from discomfort, to seek an easier path rather than confront the challenging task of closing a sale. This tendency is masked in a strong market but becomes glaringly apparent when times are tough. Yielders, seeking comfort, often miss the chance to close a deal, opting instead for what seems like the path of least resistance. 

Reimagining Selling as a Service 

I challenge sales professionals to view selling not just as a transaction but as a service to their customers. This mindset shift is crucial. Asking for the sale is not a sign of disrespect but a part of delivering exceptional service. The goal is to help customers get what they want. To do this, one must combat the yielding tendency, be bold, and confidently ask for the sale. 

Understanding the Closing Process 

In my book Be Bold and Win the Sale, I delve into the idea that closing is a process, not a singular event. Top performers understand that success involves asking closing questions early and consistently throughout the sales interaction. Closing is akin to building a bridge, where each question adds a plank, making the final question a natural conclusion to the sales dialogue. 

Closing for the Customer’s Benefit 

True closing is about the customer’s benefit, not manipulation. The questions asked during closing help buyers clarify their values and decide if a product meets their needs. Every question is a step towards helping them understand the value of their decision. 

The Critical Role in Tough Markets 

In challenging markets, fear and uncertainty become dominant. Here, the role of a skilled sales professional is crucial. It’s about guiding the customer through their decision-making process. Using strategic questioning to alleviate their fears and help them recognize the value in their choices. 

Bridging the Gap Between Knowing and Doing 

Finally, knowing closing techniques and actually applying them are two different things. Success lies in the application. It’s essential to continually evaluate and refine your approach, ensuring that you’re not just aware of these strategies but actively employing them in your sales interactions. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Bold 

Overcoming the fear of negotiation and closing in new home sales is an essential skill that can dramatically impact your success. By shifting your mindset, embracing the process, and understanding the role of closing in serving customers, you can transform this often-feared aspect of sales into one of your strongest assets. Be bold, ask the right questions, and make every closing a step towards success. 

If you’re inspired to take your sales skills to the next level and embrace the art of closing with confidence, it’s time to delve deeper. Be Bold and Win the Sale, is designed for this very journey. Unlock the secrets to overcoming fear, enhancing your negotiation skills, and mastering the art of the close. 

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About the Author: Jeff Shore

Jeff Shore is the Founder and CEO of Shore Consulting, Inc. a company specializing in psychology-based sales training programs. Using these modern, game-changing techniques, Jeff Shore’s clients delivered over 145,000 new homes generating $54 billion in revenue last year.